5 Reasons Why Your Wi-Fi Is Slow
There is nothing worse than having slow Wi-Fi.
It will be interesting for you to know that most customers receive
only 50% of their router's potential Wi-Fi speeds. But why it happens
and what you can do about it?
We'll explain you the reasons why your Wi-Fi is slow.
1.Signal congestionis bad for Wi-Fi signal.
When you connect to Wi-Fi you're using radio waves, and there's a
limited amount of space. So it matters how many other routers, phones,
microwaves, Bluetooth devices, etc are nearby. All electronic devices
can worsen signal strength.
2. Wi-Fi devices can'treceive and send dataat the same time.
3. If there aremany peopleusing the same channel, then the signal will be slow.
4.The locationof the router.
Place your router below the ceiling in the centre of the house!
5. Some devices arebetterthan others at connecting to Wi-Fi.
Knowing this reasons will help you to get faster Wi-Fi speeds.
It will be interesting for you to know that most customers receive
only 50% of their router's potential Wi-Fi speeds. But why it happens
and what you can do about it?
We'll explain you the reasons why your Wi-Fi is slow.
1.Signal congestionis bad for Wi-Fi signal.
When you connect to Wi-Fi you're using radio waves, and there's a
limited amount of space. So it matters how many other routers, phones,
microwaves, Bluetooth devices, etc are nearby. All electronic devices
can worsen signal strength.
2. Wi-Fi devices can'treceive and send dataat the same time.
3. If there aremany peopleusing the same channel, then the signal will be slow.
4.The locationof the router.
Place your router below the ceiling in the centre of the house!
5. Some devices arebetterthan others at connecting to Wi-Fi.
Knowing this reasons will help you to get faster Wi-Fi speeds.
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