Create Your Own new YouTube channel And Start Making Money From It
I have understand that many people are having problems in an Youbut Channel but today am going to shareing the helpful ways you can use to set up you own YouTube Channel. Create a new channel With a Google account, you can view, like, and subscribe. Google accounts do not come with a default YouTube channel; without a channel, who have no public presence on YouTube. To download, comment or make playlists, create a public YouTube channel. Currently, it can only be made use of Android or iOS YouTube, but you can use the mobile site or a computer: Create your own personal channel with your name 1. Make sure you have accessed YouTube. 2. Try any action that requires a channel: for example, download, post a comment, or create a playlist. 3. If you do not have a channel you will see a message to create a channel. 4. Check the details (with the name and picture of your Google account ) and press to create the new channel. Create a channel with a business or other name 1. On a computer or a m...