How To Create A Calendar in Corel Draw
Dear visitor, you are welcome to my tutorial tips and today PC labeling I will be tutoring on how you can actually create calendars in Corel Draw in a few short steps!
Corel Draw also known as a graphic design application allows you to create / design flyers, envelopes, ID cards, invitation cards, posters and many more.
Normally when you want to create Calendars a good application you can use is Microsoft Excel, but many find Microsoft Excel to be so complex when it comes to things like that. This is why in this post I will show how you can create calendars in minutes without using Microsoft Excel. So if you work in a center (Cyber Café) would find this a pain relief for stress.
To do this, follow these simple steps
1. Open Corel Draw and click New to open a new document that will create a calendar, as shown in the following screenshot
2. On the Corel Draw desktop, click Tools >> Scroll down to select
Visual Basic >> Play.
The above step is illustrated in the image below for a better understanding
3. After clicking the game, you will see a dialog box that appears just below it, you should see a drop-down menu, click on it and select Calendar Wizard and Run.
The image below explains better
4. Now, from the following dialog box will be provided how you set up your calendar, which should be as follows:
Select the calendar year, p. 2017
Now click All to highlight every 12 months
Finally, click Generate and you should see your calendar just created in Corel Draw
See the screenshot below for an explanation of step 4
Now that your new calendar has been created, it can not leave this way without adding some drawings and colors, etc. to her.
So all you need to do now is reduce the size to fit on your page and add colors to it in order to look more attractive!
Now that you have learned to create a calendar in Corel Draw, why not share on your favorite networks of social networks to reach more people too? Please press the buttons to share
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